
what is it in a name?


On Friday 19 Nov, 2010 20.10
I left my iphone 3GS in one of the toilet in Plaza Indonesia.
It took me 10 minutes after leaving the toilet to get alarmed.
By the time I got was obviously gone.

So, after running around the mall with no explicit reasons except to find a glimpse of an old lady who was in the same toilet after me (10 minutes later after me.)I sat down with my dearest friends, laughing while began to learn my lesson.

lesson #1 is to listen to your instinct.
Before I took out my phone I knew I was gonna forget it if I put it down on the top of the toilet, yet...I was still doing it.

I called Piwat later at night to tell him that I lost my phone and it was out of service so I couldn't locate it.
lesson #2 is to keep a guy who gives you an expensive thing and doesn't get upset at all when you carelessly lose it because your feeling is more important to him.

In the morning, I got an idea to activate my Bangkok number although it was gonna be a hell of hassle for Piwat. Aside from his wish to enjoy the weekend cleaning the apartment and watching final Sepak Takraw Thailand- Malaysia, Piwat asked me to wait. There's no point doing things if the finder is a finder-keeper, if s/he wants to return it s/he will find a way.

lesson #3 is to listen to the lesson #2 guy.

lesson #4 never storm into the storm.

On Saturday, 20 Nov, 2010 15.55
My mom received an SMS: "Selamat sore, ini mamanya Irvine bukan ya? bisa tolong telepon saya? terima kasih"

and there Juliet Capulet, the finder of my iphone name's Angel...
lesson #5 A name is more than just a name...

ps: Regarding lesson #1 when I "lost" my phone, everybody was so worried except me and Piwat, in my side, somehow there's something inside me telling me that the phone is still mine. At that time, I of course ignoring my heart, what the hell it knew, eh? but heaven knew.

lesson #6 Prayers and good heart will lead you to a good karma.

and in this case I am more than blessed to have all good people surrounding me, helping me with their prayers and good karma.
(This is including Hilda, who returned a Blackberry and an iphone that she found in Central Park's toilet a month ago).

1 comment :

Wira said...

Horeee!! alhamdulillah. Dia baik sekali!

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