Since I am allergic to Noinoi's protein (which I believe coming from his sperm) Piwat and I decided to give Noinoi to Piwat's mom.
I am still a bit angry with the veterinarian that told me Noinoi was a girl and no need to be castrated.
All I can do now is looking at him running and banging himself to the wall like some crazy horny rabbit.
Thanks to my friend, Iwan, who found the way to help Noinoi dealing with his nature with a boxing golf back scratcher as an instrument to manipulate his desire. Now Piwat is an official rabbit pleaser.
Luckily, Piwat doesn't have to stick to this noble duty any longer. Piwat's mom found out that one of her neighbors has a clan of rabbit and is willing to give away one of the female rabbits. I guess someone went to the same veterinarian.
So, meet Nuat (from the word: Inuat (moustache))

Badass Noinoi spared no seconds! He quickly jumped over Nuat the moment he saw her. Poor Nuat, or maybe she enjoyed it too? Man, nobody told me rabbits are such lubricious animals. Oh yes, I remember, Playboy bunny.
So, look all those "happy moments" Noinoi and Nuat have brought us about:
4 whites and a black. I don't know if I should feel happy, proud or guilty. I just hope they know that children mean responsibility and no more "wild" time. I hope they know that concept, those horny mammals.

this story is hilarious murrr!! i can't stop laughing, badass noinoi.. hahahaha..
iyah Bubu...gatel banget tuh si Noinoi, abis bininya beranak, kita satuin lagi kan tuh biar dia bisa maen-maen sama anaknya. Eh...sebulan kemudian, bininya beranak lagi 5 ekor...jadi total "prakarya" si Noinoi jadi 9 ekor...-_-
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