
The ghost from the past


I'll tell you a story to end my night. It's about the ghost from my past. It's not a horror story per se but it's haunting and daunting. Do you know how things passing you, leaving you a trail behind? Maybe some vague shadow or weak glimpse of something you merely can catch. That's how my ghost from the past looks like. I can't really describe it's existance, any fragments of it. Maybe because it never really exists or it's just a faint phantom. One time at the wee hour it woke me up by whispering nightmare to my ear. Later that day I had to get up without being obnoxious, of course it was ridicously hard knowing that I couldn't really remember anything but the idea of it having an access to my unconcious detered me. That was not it…another time on the rainy days it came over through the knock of the rain upon my window. It blanketed my vision with some foggy memories of things I've erased, the trash I've been dumped. Annoying isn't it? But I couldn’t help raking up what it had dredged up. Later that day, I felt like having chicken pox all over again. I know, I know you might say what others have told me: elude. I could always shun if it ever grabbed me by the arms, thing is, it never. How could you fight something you barely even see? How you steer clear from something that never blocks you out? How could you enter a very dark room? Am I dreaming or the ghost from the past was really here and there? pic's borrowed from ffffound


redandblue said...

all the haunting memories are the ghost that keep following us.
From time to time, I feel those memories came up and let me down with no reason.

Lately I kept dreaming of my father in different story, sometimes warmth and sometimes scary. It just that deep inside of me I still missing him, he is something that I missed. Even the biggest influence on my personality, the way I feel and act on everything.
Sometimes I came up with the question why he left but it doesn't matter because he won't came back.

I allow myself to forget all those painful memories, the painful event and scene that ever happen to me (There's load of it) Actually it's always there , in my mind. That's my ghost, she's always with me, locked down in the safest place, ready to come out in rainy day.

It's not much obvious as you feel but over all I understand it.
I could imagine how you feel (I guest)

sorry that I talk to much on the comment.

missing you

Niah said...

i can relate to that!

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