
Maybe...possibily maybe...


"I was just guessing at numbers and figures, pulling the puzzles apart.
Questions of science, science and progress do not speak as loud as my heart."
-Coldplay, The Scientist-

Have you ever travelled so far just to realize that you are irretrievably lost? 
Then you realize that maybe what you were looking for is not where you are now. 
You are lost in the place where you are meant to be lost yet you're not prepared for that. 
You bought just a one way ticket, hoping you'd never have to come back.

But you know what, you can always go back to the start 
although you might end up lost in some other place again or even in this very same place.

But, you've got to try or you'll never know.

Ps. Life is not like water. Things in life don't necessarily flow over the shortest possible route - Murakami

1 comment :

redandblue said...

I feel lost sometimes, it's not easy to find way back but as you've told me I think I have a chance to start over.
We all do.

But maybe we're not lost at all.

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