


grown in a small balcony

A couple weeks ago, I went to a farm market here in Bangkok. It's funny how farmer's market has shifted the meaning to a fancy market or a hipster market. Anyway, it was fun. I had a great time looking at high quality (and a bit pricey) home made / home grown food. Amongst many healthy and organic stuff, one thing that caught my attention the most was a shop that sold "Mushroom growing kit." The shop owner encouraged people to eat more mushrooms because they are delicious, easy to grow and good for our health. Sounds great, doesn't it? So, I picked four bags of grow-your-own-mushroom kit. To be honest, I wasn't confident when I put the mushroom on our balcony. Because they would get exposed to the scorching sun, and I think mushroom loves a damp and dark place, like under the shadow of a gigantic tree in the rain forest. I've seen Piwat's mom grew mushroom in her bathroom, and it made me feel awkward whenever I did my "business" in her bathroom. Well, then balcony it was.

The seller told me that the mushroom was quite easy to maintain and to take care of. I agree, how hard could it be to spray the mushroom bags five times a day or plug the bags' opened mouth with dampened cotton when you cannot babysit them? It's not too much of a hassle.

If I did everything correctly, I should've been able to harvest my mushroom in 15 days. But, after two weeks, nothing happened. I'd almost lost hope and was sure that I had no gardening talent when Piwat suggested me to follow his mom's way of growing the mushroom.

So, for a week, I had living spores in my bathroom (I kept them under my sink so I wouldn't feel weird) and boy, they grew fast in a bathroom. It's exciting to see how the spores grew wider day by day. It's like getting a surprise every morning. 

the second one from the left, refused to grow :(

So, here's what we harvested last week. The 3rd week of my mushroom growing journey. 

Pretty family photo
Yummy goodness
They turned out to be the Oyster Mushroom. We stir-fried them with some garlic, olive oil and bird-eye chilli. Oyster mushroom are delicate, tender and cooked quickly. And though they are considered exotic, they are the most commonly cultivated mushroom in the world.

So, maybe an idea for my next business could be a public bath + mushroom farm :)


Manique said...

They look both pretty and yummy!! So this means jamur tiram for dinner for like, what, ever, now? :-D Digoreng kering alias krispi bisa ga? Btw fyi, Bede itu mushroom farmer lho.. Ngibril2 gih

irvine said...

oyah? nanti gosip2 deh sm bede :)
come to think about it, I shouldn't put the "mushroom farming" yak? ahahah farmer apa yg panennya cuman sekiprit :p
masih musti nunggu 15 hari momod, yang kmrn2 ini udah balik jadi ampas ke mana tau :p
goreng tepung kayanya enak juga, nanti dicoba deh, good idea mods! xx

Ondina said...
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