


The weather was totally gorgeous today. The wind blew breezy and rather cool air while the sun was bright but not scorching. So, we agreed this is a perfect time for some seafood -I've been craving for mussel in white wine sauce since we had the super delicious ones at Cannes. But, of course, going to a fish market at 1 pm is not a clever move. All the mussels were gone, luckily there were still scallops left for us. Sure, why not? We love grilled scallop with garlic & butter, and it's oh so easy to make.

So, here's a tribute to Bangkok's perfect weather. 

clean up the scallops till they look like this, pat them dry with a paper towel.

season with sea salt, pepper, chopped garlic and smear a generous amount of butter
put them on the oven 200c for 10 mins. voila!

• scallops
• sea salt
• black pepper
• finely chopped garlic
• chopped parsley/coriander (for garnishing, I forgot to take pic of the garnished version)

• clean up scallops. I learned from this one
• pat the scallops dry with paper towel. arrange them in an oven-safe dish.
• season with the salt, black pepper, chopped garlic
• dab a generous amount of butter (or drizzle with olive oil for a healthier version)
• bake at preheated oven of 200c, for 10-15 mins, depends on your scallops' size.
• garnish with parsley/corriander
• have yourself a happy tummy! xx

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