


Do you think love has an expiry date?

 Do you think we will ever have a short supply of love,
and one day we'll wake up tired, blue and lonely knowing that we're running out of love?
Do you think love dies?
Do you think love betrays?
Do you think there's a full stop behind love?
If yes, what is it for? is it to emphasize or to stop love?
Do you think love is suicidal?
Do you think love will float on and leave us stagnant?
Do you think love is a silent killer and its silence drills a hole in our soul?
Do you think love is a powerful poison that sends us to death
or is it an antidote that fails death?
Do you think love is the color nobody picks?
Do any of you know the answer?
Or do you know how to tell someone you love
that her heart is too much of a price for a worthless man like her lover?
It breaks my heart just to think about it.

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